I just bought a C4 to replace my POS Torc helmet that amplifies the wind sound ten fold and leaves you deaf for hours. Bought Schuberth because it is supposed to be quiet. Jury is still out on that for me. But, for those thinking of a helmet that is quiet, use your common sense and don't get one with vents, buttons, or other items sticking out around the ears, and make sure the visor is FLUSH with the helmet. I'm not impressed with what you get for the price with the C4. It's sort of well made, and comes plumbed for a trick custom Senna, and you'll look like a pro in front of all your friends for sure. But $1000Cdn. There has to be a better way, but I didn't have the patience to find it. The big-price helmets get all the tests and the cheapies are mostly ignored, even though some of them are really good designs and quality.