Scared to Drag Knee |

Scared to Drag Knee


Out west we have a lot of twisty mountain roads but I was always nervous to drag my knee. I have an old hockey injury that keeps me in a knee brace every time I ride. I have signed up for an upcoming track day and I want to be able to get over this fear that because I am in a brace, the vibration could hurt my leg. Anyone else here ride in a brace? Do you feel it at all?
you don't HAVE to drag your knee.

If you're leaned over, let it touch and pull it back up.

It should be used as a lean angle gauge, you don't have to be pressing your slider into the ground at all times.

Watch world level riders, they let their puck touch initially and then pull it back up a few cm so its not actually touching the ground.
you don't HAVE to drag your knee.

It should be used as a lean angle gauge, .

Funny you say that. I used to buy a lot of Kushitani stuff and the knee slider packagind reads "lean angle sensor".
Two surgeries so far for me and dragging a knee doesnt do anything to aggravate the injury. Now nasty unnecessarily high rearsets........ahem.......GSXR.......ahem is another matter all together.
Two surgeries so far for me and dragging a knee doesnt do anything to aggravate the injury. Now nasty unnecessarily high rearsets........ahem.......GSXR.......ahem is another matter all together.

Ya I'd say you have more things to worry about aggravating any old knee injuries then gliding a puck over the pavement. It's a mild vibration at most. You don't have to drag you knee and unless you're a pretty good rider chances are you won't come any where close to dragging your knee on your first track day.

Don't over worry about it, just focus on riding your bike. If you're basing your lean angles and lines on your worry of dragging a knee you just might end up crashing and that will hurt a lot more.
Had an MRI performed on my wonky left knee yesterday at Etobicoke hospital(screwed up in March this year), as blackie mentioned it's just a mild vibration when your knee touches down. For me at round 2 at soar i never touched my left knee puck once the whole weekend.Round 3 i told myself to stop being a pussy, worked out a lot better.
I have a season and a half on my current sliders as of now and i've only taken about 1/4" off them.

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