Scar stories


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Elementary school age, impaled myself on my parent's car - volare with a loose piece of chrome/trim. Was told to stay out of the garage but it was a damn good spot for neighbourhood hide and seek. "I found you! Oh geez are you okay?!?"

Junior high, jumping from the stage onto a landing mat, white men can jump, cleared the mat and split my chin wide open on the gym floor.
For whatever reason, my left arm always faces the brunt of my stupidity.

Sliced open my left thumb starting from the fleshy area of the palm to the tip of my thumb, opening a box when I was 18, you know the whole cut away from you... Then snapped both left forearm bones in a bike crash resulting in some nice surgery scars, and a poke through scar (open compound fracture). Then another bike crash, gave me some decent road rash on that same forearm.
What's the site's policy on gore.... ?
I'll just post an xray for now.

Drunk driver in a van vs bike
Scotionlotion had the best scars. Broken neck, dogbone plates screwed either side of his neck and staples ear to ear.
C1/C2 spinal fusion. I have a nice ~8" long zipper up the back of my neck from that one, and a matching one on my right hip where they took some of my own bone from for the fusion.

Aside from that....a million other smaller ones from a youth well lived LOL.
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