Saw bike crashed at Yonge and Finch.


Well-known member
I was walking by Yonge and finch and saw a Yamaha laying on its side. It was on the sidewalk in front of starbucks. The west bound lanes were closed with police tape across the road. I asked the cops what happened and they just said it's a road rage thing... I don't know if the rider is injured but from the way the biked looked I'd think they aren't doing so well.
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Omg so close to me. Road rage and motorcycles dont go too well together... Hope the rider is ok.
Buddy of mine saw this on the way to my house a few min down the street. Hope the rider is ok. I'm curious to know if the "road rage" comment is true and, if so, what exactly transpired.
Nope, thankfully not me. Appreciate the concern though! Hopefully this fellow FZ6 rider is ok
Im not sure if its about this one but i heard from a bud that a cager hit the biker from back after the biker passed him.

If it's then the cager should be put away!
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