The Canadian Rider Safety Fund is a non profit organization where 100% of all donations go back to the CRSF for bags. We have a 4 member board who are all volunteers. We have sent bags to Nova Scotia,Edmonton,St Eustache and Grand Bend. We are currently working with a small track in Quebec to help them get started. All the bags at Shannonville were donated and paid for by the CRSF and or donated. All the bottles were donated by riders.
The tracks are slowly buying into the program and we are getting more and more help. Saddly people don't get it. The bins we put around Shannonville and logo'd with the CRSF and NOT FOR GARBAGE,, seemed to be in the wrong language. So the track had to remove them as nobody wishes to pick through garbage,,nor should they have to.
Now we also have to sort the bottle donations as people throw food containers , which draw animals to the bags. Oil containers seep out and onto the track as well. So clean ,lids on bottles, no food scraps or oil containers allowed.
Thank you to all the riders at RACE that donate their time. Thanks to Mike Raniowski for storage and sorting help. But we need help. If you do a track day at Shannonville,,,those bags didn't just show up! The finances for them came from the racers and donations. The labour was CRSF and RACE members not SMP. The track is building it into some of their maintenance schedules but this is a new program they can not undertake alone, nor do they know how it works. So help us out and ,"pitch in" that bottle you just tossed could save you. All donations will get used directly for the bags.