Safety Certification |

Safety Certification


New member
I purchase a motorcycle in a private sale. Just beggining to ride in Canada. Is there any chance that it can be inspected at my place & safety certified apart from towing to the shop ?
Any leads is appreciated.
At-home safeties are technically illegal. There have been mechanics in the past that have been willing to do them (I have had this done before, years ago), but mechanics have also gotten in trouble for this.

You can get a temporary, two week license plate permit that will allow you to ride it to a shop IF the bike is not already registered in your name as "unfit". Temporary licence plate sticker
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Tk gave you the right info. Technically the physical shop location has the license to complete safeties and therefore mechanics aren't allowed to do safeties off-site.

You could also tow/trailer/push you bike to a shop to get a safety. Fwiw, some Canadian tires have moto mechanics that can do safeties and ime, they are less likely to pad the bill with work than bike shops.

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