Safety Cert required for Mopeds/Scooters


Well-known member
So I've been looking at old Scoots to buy. Maybe a Honda cub or something like that. Something to put-put around town, maybe ride down Lakeshore and pretend I'm courting Audrey Hepburn 😚

Anyways, one of the bikes I was looking at I asked the seller if he was selling it with the safety, and he replied "I didn't need a safety to get it played because it's a Moped."
I didn't know you could plate any street vehicle without a safety 🤨 Can anyone shed any light on this for me please?

Vehicle in question is a 1972 C70 Cub
1972 C70 Cub is a full on motorcycle. Yes, it needs a safety, registration, insurance and an unrestricted M/M1/M2.
"I didn't need a safety to get it played because it's a Moped."
We don't have "MOPEDS" anymore.
There is no classification of "MOPED" in the HTA, there is motorcycles and there is power assist bicycles.
If it requires a plate for the road (so not a green plate) it needs a cert.

A Honda Cub always was a motorcycle, it needed a plate in 1972... where in 1972 a Mobylette didn't
We don't have "MOPEDS" anymore.
There is no classification of "MOPED" in the HTA, there is motorcycles and there is power assist bicycles.


What is a moped? In Ontario, a moped (according to the Ministry of Transportation yet again) a moped has the following characteristics:

  • Weight of 55 kilograms or less
  • Attached motor driven by electricity or having a piston displacement of no more than 50 cubic centimeters and insurance to drive it in Ontario.
  • Pedals that are operable at all times and may be used to propel the moped (EDITORS NOTE: Frequently not very well.)
  • No hand- or foot-operated clutch or gearbox driven by the motor and transferring power to the driven wheel
  • Maximum speed of 50 km/h on level ground within 2 kilometers from a standing start
Furthermore – to quote the moped webpage on the MTO website:

“Under the Highway Traffic Act, mopeds are not considered motorcycles; however, mopeds require you to have the same types of riding skills as required for motorcycles, and you must hold a valid motorcycle class licence (an M1, M2(L), M2, M(L) or M) in order to drive on Ontario’s public roads. Your moped must also be registered with the Ministry of Transportation and have a valid moped licence plate attached. When registering your moped at a Driver and Vehicle Licence Issuing Office, you must show the new vehicle information statement (NVIS). If your moped is a 1983 or earlier model, and you do not have an NVIS, you may make a self-declaration that the vehicle is a moped as defined under the Highway Traffic Act. After registering, you will be given a vehicle permit and a moped licence plate.”

Also according to the MTO website

“You do not need a safety standards inspection and certificate if you are:
registering a used motorized snow vehicle, off-road vehicle, motor-assisted bicycle (e.g. moped), or trailer”

For licensing, a moped would be considered in the LSM class and would need a M class license and would (if taken on the MTO drivers test) result in a LSM restriction on your M license.
Got it. It's as I expected. They all need a safety.

Much obliged folks :cool:


What is a moped? In Ontario, a moped (according to the Ministry of Transportation yet again) a moped has the following characteristics:

  • Weight of 55 kilograms or less
  • Attached motor driven by electricity or having a piston displacement of no more than 50 cubic centimeters and insurance to drive it in Ontario.
  • Pedals that are operable at all times and may be used to propel the moped (EDITORS NOTE: Frequently not very well.)
  • No hand- or foot-operated clutch or gearbox driven by the motor and transferring power to the driven wheel
  • Maximum speed of 50 km/h on level ground within 2 kilometers from a standing start

The lack of these pedals on the Honda Cubs would definitely make them NOT mopeds.
We used to have mopeds, that required no insurance, no inspection, no license (the operator had to be 15 years old IIRC). It was fun, but also CHAOS
We used to have scooters
Now we have Limited speed motorcycles... that have to be plated, insured and certified.
...pretty sure it's a regular motorcycle plate.
moped as defined under the Highway Traffic Act.
When I search the HTA, the word "moped" does not appear.
Here, you try: Law Document English View
Pretty sure they dropped the defined moped on the second re-write for power assist bicycles (2012?)
... and we're about due for another re-write of power assist bicycles
The way I read the HTA the ONLY gas powered power assist bicycle is a Schwinn Wizzer, made before about 1968
We used to have mopeds, that required no insurance, no inspection, no license (the operator had to be 15 years old IIRC). It was fun, but also CHAOS
We used to have scooters
Now we have Limited speed motorcycles... that have to be plated, insured and certified.
...pretty sure it's a regular motorcycle plate.
Moped plate is white with red lettering/numbering - same as limited speed 50cc scooters.
I lived through the moped boom of the mid-1970s and how it all came to a grinding halt when restrictions were put in place.
Now if only the MOT had the nuggets to do the same with e-bikes...
I'm in communications with one of the sellers and he's adamant that when he recently took the bike to Service Ontario and he showed them the safety they said it wasn't needed because it's a moped.

I'm in communications with one of the sellers and he's adamant that when he recently took the bike to Service Ontario and he showed them the safety they said it wasn't needed because it's a moped.

Was posted in the thread earlier mopeds don't need a Safety.

Also according to the MTO website

“You do not need a safety standards inspection and certificate if you are:
registering a used motorized snow vehicle, off-road vehicle, motor-assisted bicycle (e.g. moped), or trailer”
Sent using a thumb maybe 2
Was posted in the thread earlier mopeds don't need a Safety.

Also according to the MTO website

“You do not need a safety standards inspection and certificate if you are:
registering a used motorized snow vehicle, off-road vehicle, motor-assisted bicycle (e.g. moped), or trailer”
Sent using a thumb maybe 2

Yeah, but the C70 in question isn't a moped.
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