Russian Cadets

It can be, depends on the leaders of the group. Great leaders = great programs, its all volunteer some volunteer harder
We have Army Cadets. There are also Navy and Air Force.
I remember running through the bush with an FN C1 A1 years ago, sneaking into the enemy's camp and executing their leadership.
Sleeping on the ground in the rain, in a hootchie made out of a poncho, when I wasn't sneaking into the back of the truck with the NCO's.
Fortunately, we were only issued blanks.
My son is in the army cadets. They shoot pellet guns and last year when he was on the marksmanship team they did competitions with all the other cadets in the area. Everything is free, as in I pay nothing for it. On top of the few weekend FTX's, they also go to camp in the summer for anywhere from two weeks to six weeks, depending on their age and rank.

He applied to go to marksmanship camp this year, but I don't know if they shoot real guns at his age, they may at 16.

Overall he loves it and mainly does all the crap during the year just to go to camp in the summer.
I have several friends and aquaintance that went through the cadet program, couple went on to RMC for university, had it paid for and left school with a job and decent pay, a couple stayed in the forces and are nicely retired with good pensions.
An air cadet I went to high school with became an astronaut and wrote a couple books, hew seems to have made out ok.

I was too 'cool' , if I knew then what i know now.....
I was in Air Cadets... It was a fun time... Did a lot of trips, camping, gliding... It cost my mom nothing which was a good thing as we were poor.
@Robp... When I was in cadets we shot Lee Enfield #7 which were .303 converted to .22. It was fun and very well supervised from what I remember.
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