I think case study is much more valuable than hypotheticals. Maybe the rule could be changed to "no thoughtless and mean-spirited conversation - stick to the facts."
Here's an example. Last week I almost got wiped out by left turner at a light. If worse came to worse, I would hope that someone could learn a valuable lesson from my misfortune and that it would count for something.
Referring to the diagram below, I was southbound like the white car, beisde and behind the truck. The yellow car turned left as we approached the intersection with the light still green. The truck slammed on his brakes, and only then did I see the car appear in front of me as I hit my brakes. Luckily, of all the stupid things the car did, at least it kept accelerating instead of slowing down or stopping like a deer caught in our headlights when it realized I was also there beside the truck.
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Even though I had the right of way, as a defensive rider I consider that I made the mistake of approaching an intersection in the "shadow" of another vehicle blocking my view of the oncoming left turn lane. I also didn't bother to look far enough ahead prior to approaching the intersection. My only excuse was that I was on way my home late at night after a long day of riding and I was tired. But that's just another mistake.