RPM gets stuck at 5k sometimes


Well-known member
Hey guys for some reason when im cruising, my bikes RPM gets stuck at 5k in 3rd gear for 2-3 seconds. This only happens randomly some days. There is also no power even if i crank the throttle wide open when it gets stuck. It just makes louder rev noise if i do that but the RPM doesn't move further and there is also no power. After 2-3 seconds if i let go off the throttle or have the throttle cranked then the power comes all of a sudden after few seconds, after that the bike works just fine. It revs up perfectly. It feels as if the power gets clogged up. This only happens sometimes and other days the bike works just fine. I ride a carbed ninja250.
What year is your 250 ? It sounds like you have a vaccume leak or some other issue.

How many kms, have you gotten any service done to it ?
I'd consider pulling the carbs and subjecting them to a complete cleaning -- jets, bleeds, float and needle etc -- plus a float measurement and adjustment if necessary.

You might also try to verify that the fuel flow from the tank through the petcock to the float bowls is not being restricted at all.
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If you're unsure of how to do any of this work yourself, then take your bike to Frekeyguy (the first responder to this thread). His knowledge and skills are top-notch. He has had tonnes of glowing reviews on this site and I and my friends have used him several times.
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