funny part in this story...
"Activist Reverend Al Sharpton called King a powerful civil rights symbol who “made America focus on the presence of profiling and police misconduct.”
umm.. this guy was drinking and driving ( self-admitted ) led police on a high speed chase, for fears that if he was caught under the influence, it would be a violation of his current parole, for the crime of Robbery, and he would be sent back to prison.
dude was not a powerful civil rights symbol. he was a crackhead criminal who deserved some baton justice.
anyways.. he's dead now. I wonder if there will be any riots ?
funny part in this story...
"Activist Reverend Al Sharpton called King a powerful civil rights symbol who “made America focus on the presence of profiling and police misconduct.”
umm.. this guy was drinking and driving ( self-admitted ) led police on a high speed chase, for fears that if he was caught under the influence, it would be a violation of his current parole, for the crime of Robbery, and he would be sent back to prison.
dude was not a powerful civil rights symbol. he was a crackhead criminal who deserved some baton justice.
anyways.. he's dead now. I wonder if there will be any riots ?