RIM Playbook. Limited sale... $200

lol another nail in the coffin

I wonder how big of a loss they're taking on unloading this vaporware at $200? Gonna guess at least $150 loss per tablet.

I think I see the sharks circling......
You can tether most cell phones with your tablet anyway. My iPad and iPhone are tethered so I can use cellular data on my wifi-only iPad.
Fax me when it hit's $30. Make an ok digital picture frame.
they were rushed to market with this device, it had a few short comings...no 3G support other than tethering it to another blackberry, so you would need to spend another $300-$500 for a phone to tether it to to get 3G access from device...yeah, weak when it came out, and they ain't done much to improve it either...with a tablet, you have to do it right, and cover all the angles...i know of one person that owns one that doesn't work for rim...$200 i think is a fair price for that device, smaller screen than competitor, fewer apps available, the list goes on...
BestBuy/Wal-Mart is now selling at that price.
Just got 16gb one....good luck getting one. There was a farking lineup for em....

never thought i'd be lining up to buy a blackberry device...sheesh
If you have a blackberry still then now's the time to take advantage of this thing LOL. The internet browser is pretty spectacular.
futureshop not listing them on sale anyway

nm starts the 18th

Ironic anyone?

they were rushed to market with this device, it had a few short comings...no 3G support other than tethering it to another blackberry, so you would need to spend another $300-$500 for a phone to tether it to to get 3G access from device...yeah, weak when it came out, and they ain't done much to improve it either...with a tablet, you have to do it right, and cover all the angles...i know of one person that owns one that doesn't work for rim...$200 i think is a fair price for that device, smaller screen than competitor, fewer apps available, the list goes on...

Definitely a fair price and if I had time to go and pick one up I would!

Edit: Kijiji ads for ridiculously inflated prices are already up!
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For that price I would pick one up to play around with. I have an iPad 2 that I love, but you cant ignore that price point for a tablet.

That is a sweet spot for selling price if your not Apple.
Just contacted my buddies at RIM. They were offered $100 off Playbooks, so I was hoping to grab a PB for $100 flat. Turns out RIM suspended this empoyee discount until December 28th, effective today!!!!! Cheap cheap move! Soured me completely. I still wouldn't drop $200 on a PB. Their employees are limited to 5 ($100) rebates so it's not like that would have crippled RIM to keep that insentive going.

Just when these guys could be on the verge of a good step forward, they always taint it with something and scuff the shine right off of it.
Just contacted my buddies at RIM. They were offered $100 off Playbooks, so I was hoping to grab a PB for $100 flat. Turns out RIM suspended this empoyee discount until December 28th, effective today!!!!! Cheap cheap move! Soured me completely. I still wouldn't drop $200 on a PB. Their employees are limited to 5 ($100) rebates so it's not like that would have crippled RIM to keep that insentive going.

Just when these guys could be on the verge of a good step forward, they always taint it with something and scuff the shine right off of it.

I was standing in line this morning at the Waterloo Future Shop with 80% of the customers in line working for RIM (skipping work I should say as the store didn't open until 10AM and most of us had to wait another hour just to pay). All and all there was about 120 of us waiting for a Playbook. They all got the mass email while waiting in line. They were so ****** off they couldn't get there Playbooks for $100. Give me a break! Your company is heading for a major downfall and job losses all you can ***** about is how you can't get a $100 Playbook? None of these 20 somethings had any grasp on reality or how a business makes a profit. There opinion was RIM should have given all the employees (5000 people in K-W alone!) a free Playbook to show off how cool they were to their friends. I didn't want to tell them that all the Executives did receive one and were showing them off a year ago, but their sense of entitlement was so strong and I just wanted to punch each one of them in the face. Bottom line is the Playbook was over priced to start with and should have been selling at $350 for the 16GB version and all this wouldn't have been necessary.
I was standing in line this morning at the Waterloo Future Shop with 80% of the customers in line working for RIM (skipping work I should say as the store didn't open until 10AM and most of us had to wait another hour just to pay). All and all there was about 120 of us waiting for a Playbook. They all got the mass email while waiting in line. They were so ****** off they couldn't get there Playbooks for $100. Give me a break! Your company is heading for a major downfall and job losses all you can ***** about is how you can't get a $100 Playbook? None of these 20 somethings had any grasp on reality or how a business makes a profit. There opinion was RIM should have given all the employees (5000 people in K-W alone!) a free Playbook to show off how cool they were to their friends. I didn't want to tell them that all the Executives did receive one and were showing them off a year ago, but their sense of entitlement was so strong and I just wanted to punch each one of them in the face. Bottom line is the Playbook was over priced to start with and should have been selling at $350 for the 16GB version and all this wouldn't have been necessary.

This. Especially the face punching thing. :D
RIM, just like every other manufacturer, couldn't build a competitively priced tablet. There's a reason Apple was alone in the tablet market (and basically still is).. it's because they hold their parts suppliers by the balls with massive orders.

Apple can build it cheap. RIM can't. An iPad2 is only $519, nobody can beat that price while still making any money on a tablet. Impossible.
I was standing in line this morning at the Waterloo Future Shop with 80% of the customers in line working for RIM (skipping work I should say as the store didn't open until 10AM and most of us had to wait another hour just to pay). All and all there was about 120 of us waiting for a Playbook. They all got the mass email while waiting in line. They were so ****** off they couldn't get there Playbooks for $100. Give me a break! Your company is heading for a major downfall and job losses all you can ***** about is how you can't get a $100 Playbook? None of these 20 somethings had any grasp on reality or how a business makes a profit. There opinion was RIM should have given all the employees (5000 people in K-W alone!) a free Playbook to show off how cool they were to their friends. I didn't want to tell them that all the Executives did receive one and were showing them off a year ago, but their sense of entitlement was so strong and I just wanted to punch each one of them in the face. Bottom line is the Playbook was over priced to start with and should have been selling at $350 for the 16GB version and all this wouldn't have been necessary.

Reasons why RIM was stupid to recall the $100 rebate:

1) Crushed moral among their staff already nervous of layoffs and a recession
2) The least they could do as a gift to all their employees coming up on Christmas, considering how Google, and Apple treat their employees
3) When hype is crashing all around, the last place you want to crash the hype is within your own camp...the very people (if you keep them on salary) are going to be required to knuckle down and up productivity and creativity to haul their company out of the dulldrums.
4) When half of Kitchener gets the emails, drops their heads and steps out of line....how can that be good for anyone else in the line?!?! All it looks like is a panic fire sale, that even the own employees don't believe in anymore!!!! Even their own employees wouldn't pay $200 for a PB!!!
5) That email should have been issued last week so BB employees forwarn their contacts and don't embarrass the company publicly. All BB staff should have been instructed to notify their peers, colleagues and networks that "the $100 rebate is open to the public for a limited time, so spread the word that RIM is offering a further price reduction, normally resevred for RIM staff. No cap...simply head over to X retailer and get a PB for $200...no rebate hastle, simple". The fact that they didn't utilize their own employees as word of mouth marketing agents and actually tanked their moral while in the ****ING line is a sign of how lame and behind the curv RIM is!

Just heard from my RIM buddy, a bunch of employees got caught out, having bought their quota of 5 PBs, only to get the email afterwards!!!! That's some people out $500. Holy chumped by your own Company! Man RIM F'ed up AGAIN!!!
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