rider training course jacket question

Could you wear textile jackets or does it have to be leather? thanks

Where are you doing the course? I wore a textile jacket for my course with learning curves. You have an in class information session prior to the riding course so you can ask the instructors there to be absolutely sure.
Where are you doing the course? I wore a textile jacket for my course with learning curves. You have an in class information session prior to the riding course so you can ask the instructors there to be absolutely sure.

Correct answer.
Any dedicated motorcycle jacket will do. Any leather jacket will do (motorcycle or not). Some non-motorcycle jean jackets will do as long they are heavier duty type, not some metrosexual, paper thin, designer crap. Gloves don't have to be motorcycle gloves, just cover your wrists. Helmet of course. Long pants. Sturdy shoes, leather best. A lot of people bring construction boots, I don't recommend those personally as you have less feel with the steel toe and the front of the boot may be too thick for certain bikes.
You need to wear shoes or boots that cover your ankle. No running or street shoes. Apparently they will accept gardening gloves ( Canadian tire) but to me these are too thin and certainly would not be warm enough for the cooler temperatures we are experiencing now. Dress warm as you will be exposed to the elements without much chance to warm up. Bring lots of water. It is easy to get dehydrated.
Some boots do not qualify even if they cover your ankle (with RTI for sure). Bluntstone (sp?) is a prime example of a boot that doesn't qualify.
Some boots do not qualify even if they cover your ankle (with RTI for sure). Bluntstone (sp?) is a prime example of a boot that doesn't qualify.
Pretty much anything else, will. Blundstones don't because they aren't really held onto your feet properly. They are slip on and off which is exactly what you don't want to happen if you fall off.
Motorcycle textile jackets should not be a problem. In fact I wore an Icon mesh textile jacket to the Humber College course a few years ago with no issues. Although it was in mid-August heat. ;)
Pretty much anything else, will. Blundstones don't because they aren't really held onto your feet properly. They are slip on and off which is exactly what you don't want to happen if you fall off.

Its more of the stretchy elastic part at your ankle bone. They ask for leather boots that covers the ankle bone. The elastic piece disqualifies them.

As a rule you want a tough material covering all the pokey parts (ankles wrists knees).
wear your textile jacket to the class before the weekend course and ask the instructor, also bring your gloves and boots, just in case.
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