Rider saves kitten from intersection


King of GTAM
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Awesome. Cats always end up at the most random places

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Good on you! Are you going to keep the little guy?
It's not me, that's just what the video is titled - they appear to be planning to keep him though (have named it "Skidmark")
That would so be me...although the first thing that came to mind was the story of the quebec woman who stopped to save some ducklings and ended up killing a rider.


I think this is different - it's not a controlled-access highway and everyone's supposed to be cautiously proceeding through the intersection anyway. I don't really blame people for not seeing the kitten (you can barely even make it out on the video) but they wouldn't have much excuse for not seeing the bike or the dismounted rider
I had to rewatch the video a few times to see where the kitten was. The poor little thing had a truck drive right over it.
Could have used that guy to save that dog from the cop in Collingwood. SUCH A SAD STORY BEING A DOG LOVER.
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