Rider down in Woodbridge


Well-known member
Rider down @ Weston and Major mac.

Second accident in that intersection within 45 mins! I swear its cause of all these italian people standing at every corner waving giant flags and drivers waving flags out their window as well as honking their ***** off to realize what they're not doing - paying attention.

Rider was in a stretcher when I passed. Hope it wasn't too bad...
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As if people couldn't find a better time to go waving their flags than rush hour! Was doing great time till i passed hwy7.
Saw a couple people pretty much sitting on top of their car through their sun roof waving flags while flying by traffic....
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Saw a couple people pretty much sitting on top of their car through their sun room waving flags while flying by traffic....

I park my car in my sun room and then sit on top of it all the time, sometimes it's more comfortable then the couch. :D
GWS rider! Some pedestrian idiot shoved their giant Italian flag almost over my windshield yesterday. Not cool.
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