Rider and clubbing passanger with no helmet down in Ottawa on Sussex | GTAMotorcycle.com

Rider and clubbing passanger with no helmet down in Ottawa on Sussex


Well-known member
Just figured I would post this up as I think I was about a minute away from the actual accident occurring. Going to pick up my friends from the bars, and there it was a downed bike in the road, and no other car or vehicle stopped so I am assuming it was a single vehicle accident. There was a girl lying on her back on the other side of the road, no helmet, in a short skirted clubbing dress, I asked who took her helmet off, and people said she didn't have any. I didn't see any helmet for the actual rider, he was visibly shaken up.

First time I had seen anything like that, I checked the news and there were no reports. I really hope the poor girl on the back is alright, she was in really bad condition. :(

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