ride this sat....

should i turn off my cell phone and say its broken to the boss
Could do, not gonna be regular pace. Will be a slower sandy road speed. Probly just for a few hours
KUDOS to you sir for the first ride posting of 2013
they are coming from Orangeville so it would make sense for hwy 10 and Mayfield.

now what time are you going to be there.
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...call me
im ready to go but lost your number
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Thankx guys.
It was great to ride, see/meet with all.
after that rip i changed the oil. that **** was black. didn't look so bad on the dip stick thou.
I'm gonna change the oil on Sunday and start putting the engine in the other bike

hmmmm....After riding all winter I thought I should change the oil before the ride.
Mayb im jus a little concerned bout me 3rd gear....its really so nice to have ...kinda gettin used to it now !
Gee wonder if I can keep 3rd for the gap this time ? ( not that i wood even consider using it on that rd but...for all the faster rds around there).

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