Richest People On Earth


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Of which I am one, thank you, thank you very much. Caught this on CBC news this morning, a little too fast for my bleery eyes but it seems if you have something like $4g to your name you're in the top 10% world wide (numbers subject to closer scrutinneering) and it only takes punching in regularly to go full 1% richest WW. I'm guessing you could be $100g in debt and still be above 50% RWW. Nice.
I got that on me ;)

This is why I find the reporting on CBC without context completely meaningless and a good fit for Romper Room. I guess the big question now is the rain going to hold off because it sure is nice and warm out. To TWN, they're pretty good:rolleyes:
This is why I find the reporting on CBC without context completely meaningless and a good fit for Romper Room. I guess the big question now is the rain going to hold off because it sure is nice and warm out. To TWN, they're pretty good:rolleyes:

For better accuracy, you may want to ditch TWN for:



(I've noticed a steady increase of acronym usage in your posts lately)

TMIWHSWN (thanx man I was hoping somebody would notice)

Sons of Acronyms

edit, that green splooge, thats not good amirite?
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TMIWHSWN (thanx man I was hoping somebody would notice)

Sons of Acronyms

edit, that green splooge, thats not good amirite?

Not good. You should take something for that.
CIBYGB (can't I'm busy you go bowling)
Wouldn't it be more convenient if you 2 just PM each other?
every once in a while a reality check, like how the rest of the world lives, makes you have a small appreciation for what we have here. Lots of first world civilized countries don't enjoy what we have here.
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