Don't get it through a Trust. If you quit half way through, which is very highly likely, you lose everything. Trust are able to guarantee their funds to a certain extent because it is expected a certain percentage of contributers will quit the plan, thus forfeiting their funds into the general pools of the Trust Funds.
RESP's are different - and they arent too bad. Funds invested grow tax free. As well, the Government will contribute an extra 20% on the first $2,500 contributed every year, which amounts to an extra $500 per year up to a maximum lifetime grant of $7,200 per child. Free money.
Regarding the 'tax' comment - the funds are taxed in the childs hands when withdrawn. Meaning when the kids in University, how much could their income be, $15k - $20k/yr. The taxable income they will be making in University are so low anyways, the taxable implications are very little.
If the kid doesnt go on to post secondary education, not a big deal. Transfer the funds to your own RSP, if you have room. If you just want the cash, you can take it back. The principle portion contributed is given right back to you, any grants recieved have to be given back to the government. Only tax you pay is on any of the interest earned.
So of the two - dont go with the Education Trusts - RESP's offer better options and flexibility.