Regulator/rectifier fault


Well-known member
Hi, I just ordered regulator/rectifier from fortnine and have these reading. Way off from the manual.

Do I send it back or do I have another problem?

Stator is ok because it has ac output around 56v ac at 4k rpm. At all 3 combinations.

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Bike is 2010 zx6r. I checked all connections for ground and all connections related to charging system.

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Sorry to ask, but is your meter good and you're sure you're using it right? You're not checking those connections backwards?
"Use only Kawasaki Hand Tester P/N whatever-it-is" (and who knows what that is) I have a funny feeling that you are using a regular multimeter and not Kawasaki part number whatever-it-is, given that almost nobody has one of those special test widgets.

The input stage of a regulator/rectifier is a set of diodes which have a forward voltage drop. If your regular multimeter (presumably) is applying a voltage below the forward voltage drop of the diodes, it will show infinite resistance (or a very high resistance).

Plug it in, see if it works. You've already verified correct AC from the stator. If the reg/rec outputs correct DC ... it works!
I didnt test the regulator before i install it, straight from the mail. And i wasnt getting any dc out of it. Then I tried to test it with multi meter. The old one was very close to the table(used same multi meter), but there is one phase shorted. These reading from new one is too far off.

Fyi:new one is not oem.

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"Use only Kawasaki Hand Tester P/N whatever-it-is" (and who knows what that is) I have a funny feeling that you are using a regular multimeter and not Kawasaki part number whatever-it-is, given that almost nobody has one of those special test widgets.

The input stage of a regulator/rectifier is a set of diodes which have a forward voltage drop. If your regular multimeter (presumably) is applying a voltage below the forward voltage drop of the diodes, it will show infinite resistance (or a very high resistance).

Plug it in, see if it works. You've already verified correct AC from the stator. If the reg/rec outputs correct DC ... it works!

^ you've already bought the part. Slap it in there, check output, blobs your ankle
^ you've already bought the part. Slap it in there, check output, blobs your ankle
That was the first thing I did. Slap it in there and no output. Then I started checking all over again. Everything seems ok besides the new regulator. Thats why I tested it with multi meter as per manual's table.

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Oh, right - didn't read your reply closely enough. If you're sure the stator is good, then the rectifier must be bad I guess. Who made it?
Input good, output not, measurements suggest NG = send it back ...

I've converted two bikes that originally had old school (and unreliable) voltage regulators to MOSFET regulators from and they've worked well.

edit: Take note of the warning right at the top of his page ... I don't recall seeing that before.
+1 go mosfet - they are reliable and last a while.

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