Regina ride route? |

Regina ride route?


Well-known member
Anybody got any input on the Deluth or Minneapolis route to go to Regina from Toronto and back. I started a thread on this yesterday, but can't find it. Any input is appreciated.
If you are planning the Deluth route (1-75, State 21, etc.) once you get past 75 it's a fairly isolated route with very little traffic. It has been many years since I went that way but it's a good road. The Minneapolis route is shorter, pretty straightforward 4-lane, traffic jams through Illinois, Wisconsin and Minneapolis proper but wide open after that. Not a lot of scenery on either route, but if I were to pick the more "fun to ride on a Sport Bike" road I would take the State route. Get a good radar detector like a Beltronics STi or an Escort Redline for those roads, interstates are loaded with smokies on the I-94 route.

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