Refusal to use customer supplied oil


Well-known member
To quickly sum up the situation. My GF takes her car to Green and Ross cause her parents know someone who works there.

Anyways. We took it there to put her winters on and get an oil change. We've gone in the past without issues.

Anyways, the guy at the counter says they don't use Customer supplied oil any more due to a recent lawsuit where a customer sued for supplying wrong oil and the shop used it.

He also said most other shops are following suit.

Anyone here of this?

(The really funny thing is they used our "customer supplied tires" and didn't tell us there was a nail and a slow leak in one of them until after we paid. They didn't even call and inform us before installing it)
Haven't heard of this. In fact I just got my oil change done on my CX-7 on Monday and as always, brought my own synthetic with me.
I wonder if it's just another way for them to get more money from you. Seems silly for them to turn down business for something like this.
I'm calling bs & cash grab. They could easily have solved this by making you sign a waiver saying that you supplied the oil
I'm calling bs & cash grab. They could easily have solved this by making you sign a waiver saying that you supplied the oil

Don't trust Green and Ross. I heard bad things about them plus the fact that they were on news for scamming people a lot.
Most Auto/Bike shops up here in Ontario are SERIOUSLY lacking customer service.

Thankfully I found a couple small "hole in the wall" type shops and they have turned out to be a wonderful experience.
Don't trust Green and Ross. I heard bad things about them plus the fact that they were on news for scamming people a lot.

oh dear god, i helped an employee a while back deal with them...they went in for a routine oil change and $1500 later they got their car back...essentially she wanted the oil change, had mentioned about the car not accelerating properly, so they replaced the spark plugs and ignition wires, but then they mentioned that the right suspension was damaged. her kid had whacked a curb bad and damaged a bunch of links and the rim...anyways, some of it needed to be done, but then she still had trouble with the car not accelerating properly again. so i took it to my shop, found out they used the wrong spark plugs and wires, so my shop replaced them with the right ones and problem solved. i got more inquisitive about her dealings with AG&R and found out they took her for about $3500, out of that they over billed her for hours of service and improper replacement parts to the tune of about $1500...i dunno if she ever got the money back, but they were a headache to deal with...a single mum and little knowledge of cars so they took her for a ride...
Don't trust them at all.
My wife brought her car in for a OLF at the AG&R in Aurora. They called home and told me that the right ball joint was worn and needed to be changed. I said "funny I never felt a thing" and he said "oh you don't often feel that". I've been licensed in Auto and Moto for a long time and cannot be bullshitted. I walked in and shook the wheel and it was solid, no movement at all. I checked the other side, same thing. They were all sitting having lunch, about 3 or 4 techs and the manager and I said "who inspected this?? there's nothing wrong with it". Tried to feed me some bs story about it being loose earlier but because it was on the hoist the play is not noticeable. Where the F___ do they get off!!! I told him to put the car down and I'll drive out. That was the last time she went there.
My shop only charges $20 for an oil change including the oil they use. Way cheaper than going out to buy my own oil and bringing it to them.
This doesn't surprise me. It's the same with parts, and sometimes tires too. I bring in my own oil, parts and tires and my mechanic doesn't have a problem, but that's because my family has had a relationship with his business for over a decade now. He typically refuses to install customer supplied parts. I'm not sure about oil or tires, but it wouldn't surprise me if he was conservative on those issues as well. It's a liability thing.
Are they not franchises (all run by different people...)?

BTW I have had good experiences with AG&R BUT all I have had them ever do is tires and drive clean. They have come back and told me there were other issues with the car, in all cases they were issues I was already aware of (so they were not trying to scam me) that I had someone else (or myself) fix later. But my experience is limited to just two locations.
I know for tires, we will put on the ones you brought in, unless they aren't safe. So I'd understand a shop not accepting bad tires, but oil? that's ridiculous. And you could probably have sued them for putting on an unsafe tire, especially if something bad happen because of it
Stay far away from Active Green and Ross. They were on W5 not too long ago where the APA (Automobile Protection Association) did a report on them where they sent in customers with vehicles where they knew exactly what was wrong with the car and had hidden cameras in the car and on the customers. Its amazing what these guys told the customers, in some cases they even purposely made the problems worse.
I know for tires, we will put on the ones you brought in, unless they aren't safe. So I'd understand a shop not accepting bad tires, but oil? that's ridiculous. And you could probably have sued them for putting on an unsafe tire, especially if something bad happen because of it

you work in a shop ?
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