Recovery. Why I got back on


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Some of you may know that 4 years ago I was involved in a very serious accident where, while on vacation in Newfoundland, a car crossed the center line and plowed through my wife and I like we were bowling pins. I was badly hurt, she didn't make it.

A couple of weeks ago, I was asked to be on a podcast to discuss recovery. It's a podcaster I like quite a bit and the podcast is called This Motorcycle Life. If anyone is interested, it can be found here, or wherever you get your podcasts (I'm episode 40, but they're all good):

Heavy stuff. I just found this podcast recently through the apple podcast app recommendations since I listen to 2 Wheel Enthusiast when it was on and now Brap Talk.

It took me a while to get over the presenters cadence and voice but did start to enjoy the content. Okay it still bothers me a little.... :giggle:
Heavy stuff. I just found this podcast recently through the apple podcast app recommendations since I listen to 2 Wheel Enthusiast when it was on and now Brap Talk.

It took me a while to get over the presenters cadence and voice but did start to enjoy the content. Okay it still bothers me a little.... :giggle:
I haven't listened to this yet. Most things I listen to at two or three times speed. It drives my wife nuts but I can't stand how slowly most people talk.
Thank you for this. Downloaded to listen to later this week.

I admire your strength and resolve to get through this and also get back on 2, or is it 3 now, wheels.
Thank you for this. Downloaded to listen to later this week.

I admire your strength and resolve to get through this and also get back on 2, or is it 3 now, wheels.
Why choose?
Not sure if appropriate, feel free not to answer @oomis

what was the fallout for the driver? As I recall a charge was laid but I saw no follow up to that. If there was an updated article someone please share it.
Not sure if appropriate, feel free not to answer @oomis

what was the fallout for the driver? As I recall a charge was laid but I saw no follow up to that. If there was an updated article someone please share it.
The fallout for the driver? The only thing he was charged with was "crossing the centre line". Nothing else. Likely he'll never be insurable for a car again.

For a long time, I carried a lot of anger around this, but I've settled in a different place. Unless this guy was a complete psychopath, he has to look at himself in the mirror every single day and live with what he did. That weighs on a soul.

No punishment can make up for what's done, and there's no closure to be found. My lawsuit was the closest proxy to justice that I had available to me, and as a proxy it was not that close...
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