Recommended HVAC Dealer/Installer in Guelph, Cambridge KW Area...


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Our furnace is coming up on 16 years old. Last winter is acted up a bit by being a little reluctant to fire up sometimes (being in my 40s I can relate;)). We are actually having our rental hot water heater replaced by Reliance today because when I was looking at bike insurance pretty much all the insurance companies had concerns about a 16 year old hot water heater. The funny thing is that even though this new hot water heater is a bit more energy efficient the installer says that the older unit is/was better built.

Anyways back on topic. Not sure if we should get the furnace checked out or just outright replaced. I guess if we can nurse another 2-3 years out of it why the heck not. I think it is about 92% efficient. I imagine new ones have all sorts of upgrades since ours was made. The one put in by the builder is a Lennox.

Since Reliance came out anyways we got some info from them for a new one. They use Rheem which is what our water heater is.

Recommended brands and installers to look at? The AC unit was put in by Sear in the summer of 2001 whereas we took possession of the house in August 2000. So, the AC unit is younger than the furnace but is older as well.

I would like to look at an air exhanger/HRV as well. We have a backsplit so the duct work does some interesting twists and turns to make its way upstairs. An air exhanger might help equalize the temp a little bit.

I use aircor in Cambridge I wouldn't let reliance touch anything.

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A number of Guelph area HVAC contractors are either captive or in-house suppliers for the big housing builders, or they are franchise operators of sometimes questionable value and quality.

Try Oosterveld for a local contractor relying on a local personal home service reputation.

They are in the east end of the City on highway 7 just past the old reformatory grounds.
Thanks! Just what I was looking for. Something local and not a huge conglomerate. I don't need any weird financing or rent to own silliness. Got cash in the emergency account to handle this.

I see that these guys do Lennox. Our furnace is a Lennox and has been pretty reliable for 16 years.

I will bug them for a quote. Appreciate the recommendation. :)
We used Husky (Concord, ON - might be out of area for you). Needed a water heater, went with a Rinnai tankless, more to make space for a sauna room. Also replaced the 9-yr old builder-grade furnace at the same time. One big difference is the noise - variable fan comes on slowly at first...

Regarding the HRV, is your house tightly sealed, and you usually keep the windows closed? Then an HRV is for you. If you like the windows open, then may not be as useful.
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