Recommendation for Towing Service


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Looks like the extended warranty passed on my wife's car (Hyundai Elantra) and now it's time to pick up a service package just in case something happens while she's on the road.

- My car - service covered by extended warranty
- Her Car - no service coverage
- Motorcycle - no service coverage

Anyone have any recommendations? I was just about to buy CAA+ but it states that they cover the driver, not the car. So in that case if I'm driving her car and something happens they won't show? Or she needs to be with me in the car? Same goes for motorcycle. Car is under her, and motorcycle is under me?

If I need to buy two memberships it comes close to $200. ($114 for her + $84 for me).

CAA is the way to go - get one membership and add your wife to it and all 3 vehicles are covered at all times. That's what my wife and i do
Also to add to my +1 for CAA, I have in the past, given my CAA membership number to friends in need of a tow. Sometimes I just called dispatch for them, and when the tow driver arrives, he has never asked for said friends to show the membership card.
Td gold card has free tow coverage. We use that or CAA.
Just got my car towed from td gold. It is unlimited tows but only to the nearest garage.

I wanted my car towed to my mechanic but they only covered to the closest shop about 2 kms from the breakdown. I had to pay the rest of the kms. Also the wait time for the calls are terrible over 45mins. I'm switching to caa.
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