Recommend to me a home windows installer


Well-known member
I have 5 windows that need replacing. Please recommend a good installer, it would be nice to recommend someone you had personal experience with.
I was quoted by one 3500 (+220 for triple glass for all five) + tax. Kinda pricey I think but I am shopping around.

Why do you want triple glazed (out of interest, not judging)? The price for adding triple glazing seems low to me.

Where do you live (roughly), it will help people give you someone in your area.
Why do you want triple glazed (out of interest, not judging)? The price for adding triple glazing seems low to me.

Where do you live (roughly), it will help people give you someone in your area.

I thought price difference is not much so why not go for it. living in Mississauga.
my neighbor is an installer and runs his own company, sub contracted with Trembo, but has gone solely on his own this year, has done many houses in our area and will be doing my windows this year, I can send you his info via pm if you wish


sure, does he provide free quote?
I thought price difference is not much so why not go for it. living in Mississauga.

Interesting, is he switching to thinner glass for the triple? Any chance they gave you U factor for the two window options?

I agree with your assessment, triple glazed should increase the insulation and for the price difference it is a no brainer.
Do triple paned increase the insulating factor to match the cost? Thought there was a whole discussion of window efficiency not too long ago.
I just had these guys to do my 3 main windows (~4.5x6ft), and were less expensive than Brock who I used them for 2 small basement windows. I liked the work of both but the price of Masellies more.
I have used Windtek on more than one occasion and have recommended several times. Always do exactly what they say they will do when they say they are going to do it. Prices were great as they are the manufacturer and installer.
All windows have terrible R value. Going from R-2 to R-3 double vs triple when your walls are R-20 is like winning the special Olympics ;)

I wouldn't pay much more for triple, the insulation gain is miniscule. If you're worried about insulation, install smaller windows lol
When you're talking about a whole house, the difference in cost for double vs 3xpane is substantial, no? Better to save some $ and just go for double....and not special gas filled?
Where to start... Installed windows had damaged parts behind the "scenes". Discovered after I wrote them off. Initially, they couldn't stick to a schedule specifically negotiated. They were supposed to put in the patio doors first, so the kitchen floor could be finished. Tile was to go right up against the finished door frame. Final doors ended up installed last...after about 6 months. They installed 3 sets of doors. Each one leaked when it rained causing puddles inside the house. Good thing the floor wasn't finished otherwise the water would have gone under it and not been seen. I was the one that finally figured out their manufacturing/design defect. I wonder how many of those doors they had installed and home owners got water damage under their floors they can't see....till it's too late....and the company can blame it on something other than their defect.
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