Recently Reinstated Insurance, $900 "Pro-Rated" Bill


New member

So, I recently reinstated my insurance with the same company I had last year. I considered selling my bike so I cancelled my insurance about 3 months before my policy was up, but still paid, in full, whatever balance was left over. I couldn't sell the bike, so around a month ago I reinstated my insurance with the same company. The lady told me my premium was the same and that was it - I got my temp insurance and off I went.

Yesterday, I got a 5 paragraph email stating I had to pay $900 total over the next 3 months on top of my premium because "Motorcycles are pro-rated over the summer months." which means an extra $900 on top of my bill...

So, in conclusion, I will be paying 2.5 times my monthly premium for 3 months then I go back to my regular premium because, "Pro-Rated summer months." This never happened last year with this company, why now?

What really gets to me is that I found out about this extra fee AFTER I was told I would be paying my normal premium during "reinstatement."

What are your opinions on my issue and this entire "pro-rated" system that I quite clearly don't understand.

Thanks in advance for the replies!

- CBR10K1000
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What Dresden said.

Also, if you're selling your bike, don't take it off your insurance until it's sold, or at the very least have theft insurance. What would have happened had the bike been stolen during those 3 insurance free months while you were posting it for sale and people knew your address had a bike?

food for thought.
The only way i could think of for you to avoid the fee is if you have requested for a new insurance term. Instead of continuing your old insurance which probably expired around march. Instead of having insurance from now till march (10months) have a new term (12 months) to avoid paying the pro rated season. That was just an example.
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