Ready for extra driving lights, anyone recommend the ones they use


Well-known member
After near miss the other day, i want to add more driving lights and/or fog lights to my bike.
From a previous post i understand that a vehicle (i did not say cager):D can see u better and judge your speed with 3 lights.
Therefore i would like to mount them on my forks if possible using my fender bolt points or perhaps bottom Ferring under headlight.
I would like them to be small but effective since it is a sport/tourer not a cruiser.
Is there any rules in HTA about brightness, use, mounting points etc.. i should be aware of?????
@Wingboy has some that look good. HTA still hangs on to an outdated definition along the lines of no more than four lights above xxx candela. Adding two driving lights shouldn't put you over that limit (and I doubt most cops would write that ticket).
I had a set of single light square Denali lights attached with an available mounting kit from Dualsport Plus. I intentionally aimed them low so that I didn't blind anyone.
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