RE: Insurance for a Track Only Bike?


RE: Insurance for a Track Only Bike?

Hey guys,
I am new here, so dont shoot me down if this is a dumb question.
do you need insurance to ride a bike at the Track (like a drag strip, or Track Day) assuming you tow you bike, and dont ride it on the Roads/Highways?

Are you able to get special Insurance for that, that may also include Theft/Vandalism isf you have it parked back at your house?

where i am going with this, in the next few years i would love to get a SuperSport Bike, but with Insurance it does not look like it would ever be an option, maybe if its a Track Only bike, it might be.

Anyway i know i am getting ahead of myself.
Just finished my M2 Course, and trying to scrap some cash together to get my first bike, so i have lots of time to day dream.

thanks in advance!

Re: Insurance for a Track Only Bike?

you do not need to insure a track bike, since it is not driven on a public road. You might be able to get fire/theft only, I think it depends on the insurance company, which is inexpensive. You would need a registered bike to get coverage (if youw ant it), the bike would be considered unplated/salvage depending on the state of it.
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