Geisan. Ignorant i am not. I have a contact who is in the Insurance industry and I get a lot of info on what the industry does. Some of it is, say not right but they get away with it because of the government contacts they have. Ninety eight per cent is legal but lets say, not all of it is ethical in behavior. Hell, if they made money on the investment side last year, I sure would like to know where they made it cause I lost money on the investment side. Maybe they had insider trading information and sucked up some of my investments to pad their profits. I did not say anything about investments, you did. As for audits, who orders them????????/ If they publish to the public their audits, how do we know they are right or have not been fudged. Maddock the swindler in the States fudged documents for years and swindled people for millions of dollars for years before being caught. I am quite leary of those inside audits being done. I think Sheila Frazer should be brought out of retirement by the gov to do an honest audit. I bet she would find deficiencies in their system like crazy and they should be posted so he public can see what the ineficiencies were and what it cost them in over charges on insurance premiums. Like you say. the share holders are looking for eficiencies in running the insurance company. Why would they not support that, or are they afrais of what the general public would find out. Just asking.
Let me tell you something that a Landlord told me in the seventies before I bought my first house. His wife said to us, the Tennant Association, that they had a gold mine in this appt building. I asked why??????/ She replied, whenever we need money for a new car, a trip, furnish their own home, we just raise the rent. Having this app building is like having a money printing press in the basement. The best thing about this money press, it is legal. Now, I wonder why we have rent controls in this province????????That is what I see in insurance companies as they know the public needs insurance for everything they own just like that landlord knew that the people in the building needed a place to live.