Radar Traps On Top Of 400 Highway Bridges Today

This morning at 0730 there were 3 OPP cruisers parked along the 404 northbound between Major Mac and Davis. Must be blitz time.
So if you're on the way to Forks of the Credit on 10 make sure you look at what's on the bridge as you crest the hill!

By the time you see them, chances are they’ve already shot you with the laser. Too late.
Do their appliances come with sniper scopes or something?
How the heck are they able to zap people form so far away?!!
Do their appliances come with sniper scopes or something?
How the heck are they able to zap people form so far away?!!
There is theoretically a distance where laser measurements are not admissible. I haven't found case law that defines that distance. Typically, the tickets are shot at 200 to 400 m. One a few weeks ago got tagged at >800 m. At that distance the laser beam is multiple lanes wide. I'm not sure if that distance can be used by a lawyer to cast doubt.
At that distance the laser beam is multiple lanes wide. I'm not sure if that distance can be used by a lawyer to cast doubt

If they’re literally the only vehicle on the road in the vicinity or something there’s an argument to be made that there wasn’t much else it could have been detecting.
If they’re literally the only vehicle on the road in the vicinity or something there’s an argument to be made that there wasn’t much else it could have been detecting.
True but at some distance (and I don't know what that is), the laser will not be able to accurately determine speed (not enough light making it back to the gun, once the dot is larger than 12" or so you have multiple "distances" all coming back eg license plate, window, trailer, etc). Theoretically, the gun should be designed to give a no-reading instead of it's best guess in those situation. I haven't found a document that says either way.
Do their appliances come with sniper scopes or something?
How the heck are they able to zap people form so far away?!!

Laser (LIDAR) does have (and requires the use of) targeting optics, see photo above. BUT, and it's a big but. It has to be aimed. LIDAR is only practical if the officer is stationary in a speed-trap-type situation. It's not like radar that scans a fairly wide path and reports the largest signal within that path. You won't get a LIDAR ticket from a cop car that's driving around ("moving mode").

That doesn't mean you can't get an old-fashioned radar ticket from a cop car driving around ... there's nothing whatsoever stating that the same cop car can't have both radar (installed in the vehicle, for use while driving) and LIDAR (portable, for use when stopped).

Solution: Don't speed (by too much). Especially on roads that are cop magnets. Especially in places that are fishing holes. Highway 10 southbound into Caledon Village is a good fishing spot. (Side street on right just after the quite-closely-spaced 60 and then 50 zones while people are coasting down the hill.) That bridge is another one (people are coming down a hill) although bear in mind that a cop on the bridge running the speed measurement has to be in conjunction with others in cars at the ready to pull people over ... there's a handy parking lot right beside the bottom of that pedestrian bridge.

On the other hand ... Please do speed in those spots. Keeps the heat off the back roads. Just don't do stupid stuff in villages that get people complaining ...
You guy's definition of radar "TRAP" and mine are VERY different.
A radar TRAP to me is when the popo setup radar in a place that you CANNOT avoid a ticket.
What you guys are describing is the popo using a radar device to catch speeders... you know... DOING THEIR JOB
Radar "TRAPS" are not allowed and if you are caught in a radar "TRAP" it is usually easy to get the ticket pulled, in my personal experience
I once had the chief of police in Mississauga apologize to me, in person, about me getting a ticket in a REAL radar trap on Dixie Rd just north of Lakeshore where they would sit south of the railroad bridge and point the radar north... right where the speed limit dropped from 60 to 50, and hand out tickets for speeding in a 50k zone.
You guys talk like a speeding ticket is persecution.
I'm sorry, but are you saying someone driving 100 in a 60 zone in a subdivision and busted by a copy shooting radar/laser/whatever from a side street is somehow more innocent than someone getting nabbed on the 401 from a cruiser that caught them doing 140 in a 100?

You realize the only difference is in your head, right?

And where in the world did you get it in your head that a radar "trap" is illegal? Citation?
Define "slow driver" for us.
And proof read your posts before you click on post reply so we can understand them.
C'mon man really? Just look for the slowest car and you will find your slow driver.

***EDIT*** Now I had to double-read your message because I didn't know what you were trying to say. Slow driver is any moron who drives at 95 km/h or even 80 km/h on the 400 or the 401 with OPEN empty lanes.
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