Radar accuracy?? | GTAMotorcycle.com

Radar accuracy??


Well-known member
Can the O.P.P pick out a single rider in a pack of 6? If all bikes are close and riding side by side(sharing a lane)??
Yes but can be argued.... However how are you going to argue that fact you are doing a different speed if you bring up the fact you were traveling in a pack of 6 motorcycles? See what i'm getting at?
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RADAR? Likely not, if it's a tight group. LASER? Yup, depending upon distance.

But if the group was all travelling at the same speed, it would be a difficult argument.
I believe it is written that an officer can pull someone over for excessive speeding by visual confirmation only. I'm not sure what charge they would lay though and how well it would stick in court.
It's not written, but put in practice all the time, that an officer can pull someone over because he is having a crappy day too. lol
I believe it is written that an officer can pull someone over for excessive speeding by visual confirmation only. I'm not sure what charge they would lay though and how well it would stick in court.

"Visual estimation of speed" is not a valid method, under the HTA. They are only permitted to use timing between two fixed points, pacing, or LASER/RADAR.

Doesn't stop them from laying some HTA 172 charge though.
one of radars many settings in picking out the fastest vehicle in the scope of its range.. if he points it at a pack it will pick out the fastest, he will visually see which one is the fastest and choose that one.

lidar works differently and can pick out an object as small as a bike from a long way away.
I don't think it matters how the devices work, or whether a device
identifies which of a bunch of vehicles is going fastest.

If the case gets to court, the cop swears that whatever he wants to be true actually is true.
Then the crown attorney paints the cop as a hero and saviour of everybody on the road.
Then any questions you ask are brushed aside as self-serving immaterial distractions.
Then the magistrate, who plays golf with the crown attorney, rubber stamps what his pal said,
then you are pronounced guilty and fined and will that be cash or cheque or credit card?
A friend and i got stopped today. The OPP officer gave exact speeds for each of us 111 kph and
114 kph. He was travelling toward us on a 2 lane highway. Luckily he was a nice guy and only charged us
with 90 in a 80. One thing I didn't know is they have a record of ALL previous charges. He commented to buddy that his record was clean and that I was a bit of a bad ***. These were all charges from over
20 years ago before I sort of grew up *S*

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