Racing Underground Offline?

Yeah it's down, has been for a couple of days, rumour has it's just down for site updates.

Shhh try ;)
The only problem with superseeds is the lack of Eurosport coverage of the races. I can't stand those BBC guys.

Still haven't heard anything about RU. I'm starting to wonder if it's gone for good.
^ Agreed. Its been down for last 2 weeks. I had to get my last two MotoGP races from..... *shudders Public torrents.
guess the site is dead.

too bad

Well it looks like that whole hub bub was about the direction that the RU team wanted to take the website....two factions emerged and i just got an email from Racing For Me that they are continuing under this new name.

I have to reset my password and all that jazz, so i have no idea what kind of content there will be.

as long as MotoGP races still get uploaded i'll be happy.
yuppers. imhaving trouble recovering my login etc though. itll take time to get everything sorted.
I'm curious to know where the other faction went and if they're starting up their own site. I haven't heard anything from the other side.
I'm curious to know where the other faction went and if they're starting up their own site. I haven't heard anything from the other side.

they're not continuing with any sites they wanted out completely, actually to sell the site.

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