R.A.O.K day- November 9th


Well-known member
I know this is kinda cheesy as an organized event and every day (in theory) should be a Random Act of Kindness Day, but it would be great if riders could take it upon themselves to make a special effort to do at least one random act on Friday. It will make you feel good about yourself, create a better image for 'motorcycle' types, and really just help make someone have a better day.
A few ideas maybe--
Surprise visit your parent(s)- only if this would make them happy (haha)
Make a point to tell your wife, kids, friends, co-workers, etc something you really like about them.
Rake the leaves of your neighbor's lawn
If you can afford it- buy some food for a homeless person.
Give to a food bank
Drop off some treats at a seniors centre- visit with someone who has no close family
Leave a few bucks with the cashier to buy coffee for the person behind you in line at Timmy's/Drive Thrus/Grocery store, etc.
Write a thank you email to a mentor or someone who has helped you in your life who you never properly thanked.
Give blood.
Coffees/donuts to an emergency room maybe?
Clean up an alley close to your home (especially if you live in Brampton! haha)
Leave $$$ saving coupons you don't plan to use beside the products in the grocery store for others who might use them.
Drop off some toys to a women's shelter (no- not those kinds of toys- you pervs)
Drop off dog/cat food/treats/toys to an animal shelter
Donate $$$ to a charity.
Be a courteous driver for once -haha
You get the idea.
Feel free to add or post some of the stuff you have done/plan to do.

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Eh... this is crap people should be doing anyways, if they're able to.

Why only single out one day of the year? Should be everyday...

and I already go out of my way to help people when possible, I'm not going to do anything extra-special just because of what day it is.
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