Question Regarding Motorcycle Insurance (will it work?)


New member
I know this question may sound redundant however I could not find an answer to the specific scenario I had in mind.
I wish to insure a motorcycle the following year and am not happy with the estimates I have been given.
I live in Toronto and I have a sister who lives in Saskatchewan.

  • If I were to somehow give the bike to my brother-in-law/sister and have them insure it under their name(s) would I be able to use/drive it in Ontario?

(if I got pulled over couldn't I just say they came down for a visit and I'm just taking it around the block... something to that effect)
assuming there is no accidents and I know its reckless, but there are a lot of guys who don't have insurance and tell the cops I'm sorry I must have brought the wrong jacket with me....I'm thinking I should be okay too...?
If no ....

  • Then would I be able to become a secondary driver insured in Saskatchewan with an Ontario licence?
For all they know I make business visits there frequently and take the vehicle. (I think you only need to switch your licence if you are driving out of province for more than 60 days)
Also how can they even monitor who is primary and who is not unless they investigate the case (perhaps if there is an initial claim in Ontario) and I'm assuming the insurance would be immediately revoked if they came to that conclusion anyway.

.................and if they do find out .... couldn't i just say hey thanks for your call, actually I noticed I started using the bike for school etc. and I had planned to call later this week to state myself as the primary driver you beat me to it ..etc.

Anyways guys Sorry for the long post

This is just an idea lol ;)
You can do whatever you want, Legally though it is illegal.

Best case scenario, you don't get caught, everything works fine.

Worst case scenario, You get into an accident and your insurance company finds out you are commiting insurance fraud and you get no money from insurance, might get sued by other parties involved, get charged with insurance fraud and are screwed even worse for insurance for the next 10 years or so. Chances of them finding out are pretty big unless you have no mail or bills going anywhere in Ontario.

As for the guys that get pulled over with no insurance and let go is BS, You bike will definitely get impounded.

In short it is a very stupid move, You wanna ride pay the price, If not you can always get chaufered around in a $100,000 vehicle with 22" rims for only $2.50 per ride ;)
"Insurance fraud occurs when any act is committed with the intent to fraudulently obtain some benefit or advantage to which they are not otherwise entitled."

Seems awfully straightforward to me.
So even the secondary driver thing will get me in trouble....... could I be primary and him secondary but him out of province?
I'm just wondering if I am entitled to act as primary and him secondary?
I know it's just reversing the roles here but the bike will be in Ontario and legitimate.
So even the secondary driver thing will get me in trouble....... could I be primary and him secondary but him out of province?
I'm just wondering if I am entitled to act as primary and him secondary?
I know it's just reversing the roles here but the bike will be in Ontario and legitimate.

If the bike will be in Ontario and legitimate & you the primary driver - legally you need to insure it as such. Believe me you're not the first we've had here with different strategies of insurance fraud.
lol okay thanks
one clarification through, can it be insured in Saskatchewan having me the primary driver ....or no.... because of an Ontario license? and driving it Ontario would that nullify it also too i guess?...
does it work like the primary driver has to have a license from the province it is insured in?.... if it does then does the secondary driver have to have an Ontario licence too? assuming i tell the insurance company that he rides it in Ontario only.

i guess the short form is can you have insurance on a vehicle in another province that you visit.
(ex: someone may have a house in Alberta (and cars there))
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lol okay thanks
one clarification through, can it be insured in Saskatchewan having me the primary driver ....or no.... because of an Ontario license? and driving it Ontario would that nullify it also too i guess?...
does it work like the primary driver has to have a license from the province it is insured in?.... if it does then does the secondary driver have to have an Ontario licence too? assuming i tell the insurance company that he rides it in Ontario only.

i guess the short form is can you have insurance on a vehicle in another province that you visit.
(ex: someone may have a house in Alberta (and cars there))
Short form: you license, ownership, and insurance have to have the same address.
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