Question for the DIY'ers - old bike


Well-known member
Hey guys and thanks for your time

i managed to score a cheap tank and carb assembly as spare for my bike. The problem is its got gas varnish. Now i know i can easily google this but ive also read mix reviews.

What do you guys suggest is a good chemical to use to clean the gas varnish and carb?

ive read
oven cleaners
carb cleaner in a can
Carb cleaner in bottles (too many mix reviews that some work better etc)
engine gunk removal

im looking for advise and a place to get them.

im also looking to see if anyone know a place to buy
rust-o-free (?)
kleen-flo for carbuerators and metal cleaning

I'd stick with carb cleaner or throttle body cleaner
google pine sol, you'll be surprised

edit, or look at project tutes up above, $2.83 enviromental carb cleaner thread
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+1 on pinesol. soak carbs for a while. If you are really thrifty get pine cleaner from the dollar store.
Thanks for the time guys

i will try pine sol

Will pine sol clean the jets or will i have to use a guitar string to clean it.

Thanks again
depending on how nasty the vanish is you may need more thasn one soaking. Compressed air or carb spray cleaner in the jet holes.
I've heard that Pine Sol works quite well from some people, and not so good from others

I used this to soak my carbs for 24 hrs and then a quick spray with carb cleaner + compressed air and my bike ran like new (I had cleaned it before with just carb cleaner and it didn't get the job done, so I had to take it all apart again and soak).

The above solvent isn't as effective as carb cleaner, but carb cleaner by the gallon was about $60+ a gallon from NAPA, so I didn't want to have to buy 2 gallons to dip my carbs all at once...
I've heard that Pine Sol works quite well from some people, and not so good from others

I used this to soak my carbs for 24 hrs and then a quick spray with carb cleaner + compressed air and my bike ran like new (I had cleaned it before with just carb cleaner and it didn't get the job done, so I had to take it all apart again and soak).

The above solvent isn't as effective as carb cleaner, but carb cleaner by the gallon was about $60+ a gallon from NAPA, so I didn't want to have to buy 2 gallons to dip my carbs all at once...

Whoa so cheap! Luckily this PA is only a couple minutes away. Would this remove the gas varnish in the tank?
PineSol is good for cleaning, but might not get rid of the varnish...soak for at least 8 hours minimum

you might need something stronger as already suggested, the best would be BerryMan's but one can only get it in the US....

you can try some gas line antifreeze and soak the carb parts, and jets in that to break down the varnish

before PineSol


after soaking in hot water overnight, and using a brush to scrub a little bit


but all the little bits were cleaned by hand and wire pushed through all holes

Whoa so cheap! Luckily this PA is only a couple minutes away. Would this remove the gas varnish in the tank?

it would work better than pinesol, but not sure if it'll be strong enough for the varnish either. The solvent is petroleum based.

and I'd kill for a couple gallons of Berryman's. I'm definitely going to see if I can pick some up the next time I'm down in the states.
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