Public Enemy at Sound Academy last night?


Well-known member
Anyone else go?
They were amazing...couldn't believe how much energy they had on stage (they are in their 50's!).
[video=youtube;4VeL2R0G1jU] index=1&feature=plcp[/video]
Seriously...I've seen a LOT of shows over the years, but this was easily one of the to meet the legend Chuck D afterwards too...
Awesome night. Awesome human beings.
I knew they'd be in town, but wasn't able to make you know when "The BEST hip hop group ever" will be back in TO?

btw....PE in the house.
Lauren Hill is at Koolhaus this weekend.... damn wish I was going.

Doubt they've planned anything for a return yet- but whenever it is i'll likely be there for sure. I totally agree that they are the BEST hh group ever!
Another classic coming to T.O soon...
GZA/Genius (of WuTang Clan fame) will be at Sound Academy on Sat Sept 15th playing the whole 1995 album 'Liquid Swords'
This should be pretty awesome too.
Though not quite in the same league as the legendary P.E. or GZA (but still likely to be pretty entertaining)- Onyx will be at the Rockpile on Monday Sept 24th (5555A Dundas St West).
i haven't been to the Rockpile yet (i think the old owner of the Reverb/BigBop runs it?)- might go check this one out too.
Lauren Hill is at Koolhaus this weekend.... damn wish I was going.
You probably won't be missing out. I went last year and it was a sorry excuse of a performance.

...And that's coming from one of the biggest L Boogie fans you'll ever meet.

She wasn't even singing - she was talking through all her songs and when it came time to rap, she talked through that, too. She was out of breath and she just really can't sing any more. IMO, she hasn't been the same since she "came back" from being crazy.

I really hope she's gotten her **** together since last year 'cause her show was such a slap to her fans' face lol
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