Proposed law lets motorcycles run red lights? [w/video]


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Running a red light legally! Ummm, this is pretty interesting to see... wonder if it would ever be considered in Canada?

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[video] 8365881[/video]
Laws of this type are becoming common in the States. The purpose is to give the hapless motorcyclist stuck at a red light that is operated by a sensor that won't detect the bike, a legal alternative to sitting at the red light until the motorcyclist becomes a skeleton that has been dead for 20 years while waiting for the light to change.

There is really no risk associated with this law. If there is an at-fault collision because the motorcyclist went through the traffic light inappropriately, it's still the motorcyclist's fault. It's still the rider's responsibility to make sure that they can cross the intersection safely.
I like this law, it's not uncommon for me to sit at a light and wait.....and wait.....AND WAIT for the light to change.
I'd like to think we're reasonably minded enough to pass such a law here but I am skeptical. Especially since they've started installing the bike friendly sensors at some intersections. Regardless, I will always run the red in these situations if it's safe to do so.

Anyone notice the poll? 48.9% of visitors voted No to this. It's obvious who these votes represent but I can't fathom why anyone--driver, rider or pedestrian--would vote this down. Ignorance and/or vindictiveness?
'In order to break that law, no other vehicles must be around.'

Hmm -- so if a police cruiser is in the area, doesn't that mean it's still illegal? Last time I checked a cruiser counts as a vehicle/car lol.
Anyone notice the poll? 48.9% of visitors voted No to this. It's obvious who these votes represent but I can't fathom why anyone--driver, rider or pedestrian--would vote this down. Ignorance and/or vindictiveness?

Most likely something silly like "If we have to wait, then so should they- It's only fair!"
it's already legal here. If the light stays RED then it's malfunctioning. Proceed with caution when the coast is clear.
^ I understand that if the light cycles once without going green for you then you treat the red light as if it were a stop sign.

Which is what you do whenever you run into a malfunctioning traffic light.
it's already legal here. If the light stays RED then it's malfunctioning. Proceed with caution when the coast is clear.

^ I understand that if the light cycles once without going green for you then you treat the red light as if it were a stop sign.

Which is what you do whenever you run into a malfunctioning traffic light.

But say you take the same route to work/school everyday and come back through the same route at night where there aren't any cars around and know that a specific light wont change for you, if a cop happens to be sitting there and you treat the light as a stop sign, you will still get a ticket.

Votes are 50% at no. I'm sure many voted for no before reading or viewing the article and just voted based on the title.

This guy even comments saying "what about cars with compatible acceleration as motorbikes?". Clearly doesn't get the point.

hemusbullWhat about drivers of cars with compatable acceleration as motrbices? Creating exceptions in the law doesn\'t makes it better...And I protest in this regard about the way AB ask the poll question. This guy from Nebraska doesn\'t have my support. There should be more public discussions, at least in Canada!
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But say you take the same route to work/school everyday and come back through the same route at night where there aren't any cars around and know that a specific light wont change for you, if a cop happens to be sitting there and you treat the light as a stop sign, you will still get a ticket.

Then stop going that way. Pick a different route.
I have to do this quite often, there is a light by my place that will not pick my bike up on the sensor, and during the later hours theres not a lot of traffic. The first time I waited almost 5 minutes before I treated it like a stop sign. Now I wait 30 seconds, if there is no headlights coming up behind me to trip the sensor, and its clear to go I'm gone
Been down that road with a cop in Windsor.They know the drill and fully expect that you will treat it as a malfunctioning light since that is what the situation amounts to.I was holding him up at the light.
I sat at a light for several minutes, was just about to hop off and hit the walk signal and saw a cop coming behind me. I tried to wave him into the sensor and he just waved back. So I went through the light. He didn't.
it's already legal here. If the light stays RED then it's malfunctioning. Proceed with caution when the coast is clear.

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