Promise beach party at Cherry Beach

Never heard about this until now, so now I'm curious as well. I looked them up and it looks like they haven't had the beach party since June. But if it's anything like the usual Cherry Beach crowd, expect a lot of young adults.

There aren't too many good events on a Sunday with an older crowd around their 30s(only other thing I know of is old school house music at London Taphouse)

One that I've heard of, but never been to is the pool party at sound academy. A lot of bikers go and I heard that the talent's pretty good.

Sorry for the slight's just in case you were looking for something to do on a Sunday
Went once last year. It was alright but crowd is a bit on the sketchy side. I was asked if I have any drugs to sell twice. I guess I look like a drug dealer? lol I would say about 25% of the crowd was ****ed up on something. Later that night I got a creepy PM on facebook from a chick telling me that she saw me there and I "looked hot" but she was too much of a weirdo to come up and talk to me when I was there. *facepalm* It was a chick I hung out with months earlier but stopped talking to because she had an IQ of 10 and was a pot head. Go figure.

I'd still say it's worth checking out, and I had fun, but I wouldn't take kids there that's for sure.
it's a beach rave with stoners and kids whacked out on ecstacy, mushrooms, etc.
Used to be quite chill but now it's full of your regular Toronto bottle service ********** and bros that want to make a buck selling beer illegally.

it's a beach rave with stoners and kids whacked out on ecstacy, mushrooms, etc.
Il take that over the blow and booze crowd any day.
It's sounds like some party for people that practice abstinence with the ironic name of the location being the proverbial cherry on... well you get it:D
Here is their crackbook page, almost every Sunday last I checked.

I haven't been in a while but it was a nicely chilled crowd back in the day, and a great place to meet and watch DJs, if you are into that sort of thing.
I used to play at Cherry Beach many times.... many years ago.. Promise parties usually have good music and they have put on a lot of great parties over the years... They also do a yearly Harvest Festival with Justin from alieninFlux somewhere up north and they have done boat cruises jams as well. Solid parties from way back.
Used to be quite chill but now it's full of your regular Toronto bottle service ********** and bros that want to make a buck selling beer illegally.

Il take that over the blow and booze crowd any day.

don't get me wrong: some of my best friends are totally wacked out stoners :P
I used to play at Cherry Beach many times.... many years ago.. Promise parties usually have good music and they have put on a lot of great parties over the years... They also do a yearly Harvest Festival with Justin from alieninFlux somewhere up north and they have done boat cruises jams as well. Solid parties from way back.

woot woot
DJ Kinglsey music all night long, round and round feel the music steady...
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