President of MADD charged with DUI

the epitome of irony. right. there.
Again. Another MADD employee charged again.
Define irony...
Remember the little red Madd antenna ribbons you got at the beer store? Cops pull those cars over for sobriety checks with those things.They know where they shop.
IMO MADD became the Women's Christian Temperance League. At least this guy manned up to the mistake and quit.

We need a new MADD. Mother's Against Distracted Driving. Unfortunately organizations get started by people with good visions but then the empire builders take over and pervert the cause.
these causes start out as a cause, something to be campaigned for or against, then somebody realizes there is a lot of money to be made being for or opposed to an issue and people get on the gravy train. People with no interest in the cause sign on as "directors" because its a great retirement job. You'll find people going from one " not for profit" charity to another because they have fundraising and administrative skills.
better brush up on my fundraising and administrative skills...

seriously, that's why the not for profit regulations for corporations was altered to only allow a four yr consecutive term as a director, so you cant stay in the trough pretending it's a noble cause. But you can go work for another one, or take an administrative position , just not listed as a director.

(I had to step down from the board of directors at a "not for profit" when I timed out)
And here I am working like a sucker....I knew I was doing something wrong.
I think I'll start my own organization and call it "DDAMM" (Drunk Drivers Against Mad Mothers).'re rich????

Very very far from it, but the gig came with some very fortunate side benefits that made it a very nice thing to involved with. It was a position that would allow you to have a job if your schedule was flexible, travel and meals and such were covered, it wasn't glamorous but it was entertaining.
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