Power Rangers for Adults


Well-known member
Loved this show when I was 10 original season 1 was airing then. It was epic

Saw this and thought this is awesome. I love this version as an adult. Would love to see this as a movie.

Nice, my boss sent this to me yesterday.........was actually thinking about posting it here myself. Looks pretty solid. The ending is totally WTF though. lol

Yeah I seriously wanted to see more. Apparently Adi shankar who made this did it as a one off. So good though!

Here is his interview. Dude look creepy and disturbed. Perfect for tinder!

chick from battlestar galactica, dude from dawsons creeks. not vheavy hitters per se but not unknowns either. pretty cool.
The original is NSFW and not on YouTube. You see boobies. Unless the YouTube one actually shows the boobies, then I stand corrected (I didn't watch the YouTube one).
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