Power Commander and switchable modes on 2008 gsxr 600


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Anyone know if a power commander (PC3) affects the functionality of the switchable modes on my bike? This is a track only so I can't test it on the street.

Basically my daughter is coming to the track with me and i want her to use the bike but I want to soften it up as much as possible. I'm swapping out my 1/5th throttle back to stock and wanted to throw it in C mode for her, which is 60% of engine. But I want to know if it will work. She'll be running it in beginner then I'll be running it in fast straight after.

I'm throwing an email to Dynojet but wanted to see if anyones ever run this set up before.
What an awesome father :)

What a cheap father. I dont want to rent!!

I got an answer from Dynojet which I'll share;

Yes, the mode selector switch will work as it always has, even if you have a Power Commander installed.
You are changing timing curves in the stock ECU (with the mode selector switch); because the Power Commander is only playing with the fuel, neither has a direct effect on the other.

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