possible UFO sightings ?


has anyone ever seen something they cant explain ?

heres some video I took, on Sept 28, 2013 on Rice lake.

we saw 7 Bright Orange/reddish Circles. which seems to look like Fire of somne sort, Like seeing the back end of a Fighter Jet.

one would rise up Hover Slowly around the general area, then Shoot off like a Bullet, until the orange lights disappeared

all of them followed the same type path, each one being about a minute apart.

they were moving east to west, Flying low not making a sound at maybe 400-500 ft, then they gained altitude, quite quickly, and took off quick until it was out of sight. moving FAST.

heres the tricky part. There was no noise whatsoever..

At first we thought they were balloons, But I have been near balloons, and they make one hell of a noise, when the burners are on, and not only would we see the flame, but the hot air Balloon would light up as well, and why would 7 hot air Balloonists take off at 10 pm at night.

It the lights were the power source of the aircraft, why would I be able to see it flying toards me ? you'd theink the light from the engines would be obstructed by the aircraft.

also, there were no other lights visable. Just a Large Circular reddish orange glow. and whats with the Silence ? we can Hear boats on the water from 3miles away, going across the lake, But we cant hear anything from something that was a lot closer than that.

maybe there is some secret planes flying out of trenton ? Very Odd.

If I were to take a guess of the circumfrence of the circle, judging by how far away it was, I'd say it was probably 6ft across.

anyone have any ideas ?

vids coming soon

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the links you had posted to the "video" ... lol if ever the term "amateur video" applied, it would be here... no reference points what so ever, blurry, unsteady, cant even tell you're looking into the sky
theres no reference points, casue its the friggin sky, in the middle of a lake.

maybe next time, I'll ask the flying thin g to fly closeer to a building ..lol
I saw them back in '02... They made me do laundry at 6am.. Last time I ever did shrooms :cool:
God was just pointing his lazer im the sky
Chinese lanterns? Slow moving until they catch a gust of wind. Released together (they come in packs of several when you buy them) they will move together?
Maybe a group of AR Drone enthusiasts? There are so many commercially available toys these days that could pass for UFOs under the right viewing conditions. Heck, back in the day hoaxers used to chuck led-lit frisbees off bridges lol.
no, these things flew too far away and way to fast to be under remote.

and they were very large as well. and they were silent.

Ive been checking around, seeing if there is any explanation, and cant find anything.
wow, thats pretty impressive, and That might just be what i have filmed.

this is now the 4th time we have seen this, every time it has been a saturday night, roughly around 10 pm.

usually we see 2 of them, this time it was 7.

but how long do they last ? the ones we saw, seemed like they were floating around slowly, then they'd shoot straight up, and rocket across the sky extremely fast.
You have ruled out paper lanterns?

Saturday is wedding day. Seems to be pretty trendy as a bridal thingy nowadays
wow, thats pretty impressive, and That might just be what i have filmed.

this is now the 4th time we have seen this, every time it has been a saturday night, roughly around 10 pm.

usually we see 2 of them, this time it was 7.

but how long do they last ? the ones we saw, seemed like they were floating around slowly, then they'd shoot straight up, and rocket across the sky extremely fast.

They last a fair bit...we set some off in the UK a few years back and you can see them for miles. If they catch a gust of wind higher up they will move.

Always wondered how legal they are here as they are fun and cheap to buy.
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