Possible to integrate motorcycle lift in garage floor?? | GTAMotorcycle.com

Possible to integrate motorcycle lift in garage floor??


Well-known member

I'm seriously considering one of the PA lifts for working on the motorcycles. PA offers an air/manual lift which is pretty selfcontained. It has air-powered hydraulics and manual lift capability. When at rest, it is 7" high. Would it be possible to have this lift function properly if integrated into the concrete floor of the garage. I'm thinking saw a rectangle slightly larger than the lift dimensions and excavate to 7" depth. Possibly lay a footing/foundation to bear the wheels and take the load. Is this possible or preposterous to consider?
you can do it, but all the water will sit in the hole and mold, stink and rust the lift out. if you do it you need to add drainage.
Wouldn't be to hard at all. Like you mentioned, cut floor out to required depth plus add a good 5" for concrete with a few pieces of 10m rebar and your golden. What about the controls though?
I had the manual PA lift and considered the same thing with a bit more tweaking due to the manual. My concern was the trip hazard because the flanges I believe go up from the sides. Other than the drainage issue I didn't see anything else. If you were an eco warrior you would seal the pit and have a pump out sump to gather the oil drips etc.
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Nope, don't do it, totally impossible and impractical. ;)


Given how low bike lifts are when folded down I don't think it's necessary to build in a sump. We're only talking a few inches. If your water table is only within inches of your garage floor you have other bigger issues in your basement. :) A drain is a very good idea.
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