Port Dover Sporties!


Well-known member
I was wondering if anyone is interested in joining a few of my friends for a ride to port dover or friday. My friends and I are meeting at weston Rd. and highway 7 at extreme fitness at 10:30 am. Then off to hamilton to pick up my girl then we'll be on our way.

If anyone's intereseted please pm me.
If I can get off work I'm there
let me know when you're confirmed so i can give you my contact info
sorry i just realized there's another port dover thread. Well this goes for anyone that's going to be coming from the Woodbridge/Vaughan or surrounding area that wants to join.
Is anyone passing through Stoney Creek, if so what time I would like join.

sorry i just realized there's another port dover thread. Well this goes for anyone that's going to be coming from the Woodbridge/Vaughan or surrounding area that wants to join.

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