Polaroid cube

Interesting, never heard of it before now.
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Ah, I see why I didn't hear of it before, GTAM was talking about it while I was moving.

For $130 you can get a GoPro Hero (4th generation)



The cube looks like a blur compared to the GoPro

The GoPro in that video is not a $130 camera. I think you're kinda missing the point - it's reasonably well designed and is much cheaper than a GoPro.

Video quality in that example is actually pretty good, considering that they seemed to just use the magnet mount and didn't try to mount it properly, and they even acknowledge that in the written review that video clip is taken from.
Now I see the $130 GoPro Hero you're talking about. Seems like these two cameras are begging for a comparison review... I wish GoPro had picked a slightly more distinguishing name for it, as trying to search for anything on it is just about impossible
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