Planning a ride to the Gaspésie - Leaving June 15th (but flexible)


New member
Dear all,

just joined the forum. Looking to meet like-minded riders. Planning a road trip to Gaspésie and back. Going through Ottawa, Quebec City, touring the 132 around the peninsula and heading back to Toronto. Six nights/Seven days.

Have planned all the stops - however open to suggestions. Ranging from 450-500 Kms per day. Booking B&Bs. If we have a large enough group, I can look into shared accommodations like a cabin or log.

Have 4 riders confirmed. The more the merrier. Group consists of mature and fairly responsible riders. Meaning...we still have fun letting it rip on the highway. However, we all have enough years and equity in life to realize riding is a passion/lifestyle...but its not the only thing we do or enjoy in life. Hence, we balance daring with sensibility.

We are all professionals. Easy going. Looking to build friendships along the ride. For people who would consider joining us, we are planning a number of rides over the summer. In July, trip to Ireland/Scotland. In August, southern California to Seattle. So there's other opportunities as well.

Anyone interested in the June ride to Gaspésie, drop me a note. I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunity to meet & greet on the road over the next two months before the ride out.

Cheers. Armand

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