Phasing out the penny - they are ripping us off


Well-known member
This is the second time this happens to me: Tim Horton's downtown "rounded up" incorrectly, to their benefit. Innocent error? I think not.

Medium coffee and a donut = $2.65 and it was rounded up to $2.70. So they kept five cents both times... How in hell does that work? We are phasing out the penny, not the nickel!!!

As you know, prices have to be rounded up or down to the nearest .00 or .05.

The first time I didn't mind much, I thought it was an error, now I see it is their new practice for some extra income. This Timmy's location serves (in my calculations) approximately 5,000 people every day... a few cents here, a few cents there... obviously they are going to make a killing stealing money... I think I should send the head office an email, not because ten cents, but in principle...

Anyone else noticed this?
I pump $150.02 gas into my truck then pay cash. ******* the oil companies, two cents at a time
Each Tims is independently owned. You should blow the whistle to the head office.
Why didn't you just call them out on it and say you want the proper change? Since it's to the nearest .00 or .05 then you're in the right at $2.65. I've never had the issue with them rounding an extra .05 on an order.
I've been wondering how tills are reconciled against accounts now that the penny is gone. Maybe they cheated you 5 cents to help make up the difference lol. Someone somewhere must be profiting from this by running some kind of Superman 3 scam.
I've been wondering how tills are reconciled against accounts now that the penny is gone. Maybe they cheated you 5 cents to help make up the difference lol. Someone somewhere must be profiting from this by running some kind of Superman 3 scam.

I prefer the Office Space scam.
Don't you remember the rounding off lessons in grade 4? Numbers ending in 4 or less get rounded down, 5 or more get rounded up. The penny is discontinued. That's how it works now.

edit: oops, you're talking about nickels, not pennies. Sorry.
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Holy crap, I totally got that reference.

So now I know you are old and now you know I... watch a lot of movies...

haha jeezus... to think that Superman 3 is considered old alarms me. Still... 30s are the new 20s or so I'm told.

I prefer the Office Space scam.

When I typed that I was actually thinking of the line where the character Michael Bolton refers to Superman 3
I guess I have no credibility left...

Your receipt will show how much change the till indicates the clerk should give you. It will show whether you have made a mistake, whether the Point of Sale system at the store is corrupted, or whether the clerk is ripping you off.
You could go all the way to $150.04 and screw the oil companies twice as fast.
You could go all the way to $150.04 and screw the oil companies twice as fast.

That's just screwing yourself out of a penny since you now owe $150.05

Schneller also the math rules of 4 or less round down, 5 round up don't apply to rounding for pennies since you have to round to the nearest nickel.

1 or 2 cents round down, 3 or 4 cents round up.

OP - what does the till say? I thought the screen showed the actual price (what you would pay by debit/credit) and the rounding is done by the store clerk or only by machine if cash is selected a method of payment.
Its a matter of principle, if i owed them 5c they will mine
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