Not sure if anyone is interested but i figured i would post it anyways.
I just got back from a 18day trip in Peru, we rented motorcycles for 7days and drove from Cuzco - Puno over the Andea's mountains and down to Ariquipa.
800km total, we could have done more but didnt want to kill ourselves
Bikes were 250 cc Honda Tornado's, we rented brand new bikes (90km on them), price including all the gear (helmet, tools, knee pads, elbow pads, jacket, gloves, goggles), insurance, unlimited KM all for $270 USD. We had to pay for gasoline of course.
I just bought a contour GPS for the trip and have posted some video's if anyone is interested:
We got as high as 15,000 feet and the bikes couldnt pull any more oxygen. At some points the fastest we could go was 60kph (full throttle) and we were burning through gas, small sedan cars leaving us in the dust. Eventually on the way back down we had to drive through the clouds at one point:
It was cold as hell and we froze our ***** off (think Dumb and Dumber)... there are no gas stations, you fill up with whatever you can so quality control isnt the greatest.
Some crazy things I saw were:
- 1000's of alpaca's
- stray dogs at the side of the road MILES from anywhere (wtf do they eat? other stray dogs?)
- 50 feet of broken glass at the side of the road, coke trucks would lose contol and dumb cargo at the side ... i did not want to wipe out there
- views and scenery
I just got back from a 18day trip in Peru, we rented motorcycles for 7days and drove from Cuzco - Puno over the Andea's mountains and down to Ariquipa.
800km total, we could have done more but didnt want to kill ourselves
Bikes were 250 cc Honda Tornado's, we rented brand new bikes (90km on them), price including all the gear (helmet, tools, knee pads, elbow pads, jacket, gloves, goggles), insurance, unlimited KM all for $270 USD. We had to pay for gasoline of course.
I just bought a contour GPS for the trip and have posted some video's if anyone is interested:
We got as high as 15,000 feet and the bikes couldnt pull any more oxygen. At some points the fastest we could go was 60kph (full throttle) and we were burning through gas, small sedan cars leaving us in the dust. Eventually on the way back down we had to drive through the clouds at one point:
It was cold as hell and we froze our ***** off (think Dumb and Dumber)... there are no gas stations, you fill up with whatever you can so quality control isnt the greatest.
Some crazy things I saw were:
- 1000's of alpaca's
- stray dogs at the side of the road MILES from anywhere (wtf do they eat? other stray dogs?)
- 50 feet of broken glass at the side of the road, coke trucks would lose contol and dumb cargo at the side ... i did not want to wipe out there
- views and scenery