Peak Design phone mounts


Well-known member
Came across this new motorcycle phone mount product by Peak Design - I didn’t like Quadlock because of it’s bulky mount peace on the case - this seems solve this problem. Not sure if anyone here in Canada actually used it.
What do you think?

Came across this new motorcycle phone mount product by Peak Design - I didn’t like Quadlock because of it’s bulky mount peace on the case - this seems solve this problem. Not sure if anyone here in Canada actually used it.
What do you think?

I sure as hell don't trust a YT video from a guy that is selling the product on his website.
I’ll watch this at lunch, but up to now quadlock is the bees knees.

Also you can get a universal adapter (that adheres to any phone/case) instead of their bulky cases if you so choose.
My X-mount has never been an issue. The Peak stuff is nice but depends on price

Good point about the price. Both have CAN sites and by the look Quadlock is cheaper. $110 vs $190 for a set aprox in my case… Curious if anyone actually have Peak Design to tell how durable their slick design is…

My new iPhone is coming soon so I am looking around for my new mounting solution, that’s it, not bashing Quadlock (to all of those invested in this platform :))
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Good point about the price. Both have CAN sites and by the look Quadlock is cheaper. $110 vs $190 for a set aprox in my case… Curious if anyone actually have Peak Design to tell how durable their slick design is…

My new iPhone is coming soon so I am looking around for my new mounting solution, that’s it, not bushing Quadlock (to all of those invested in this platform :))
The Peak stuff looks pretty slick.

Be our guinea pig @Sochi
Quad Lock has brought out a new range, it seems only for iPhones at the moment, but I am sure that will change.
This is to address the "bulky" case, which to me was never bulky. I like to hold a chonky phone.. :P
Quad Lock has brought out a new range, it seems only for iPhones at the moment, but I am sure that will change.
This is to address the "bulky" case, which to me was never bulky. I like to hold a chonky phone.. :p
A tiny bit thinner. Mostly, it looks like they just made it a uniform thickness across.

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